The Origin of Sri Lanka Buddhist Vinayawardhana Organization.

In an era when the decadence of Buddhist Dispensation was in force a youth named, Ambegodage Sumanaratna from a hamlet called Pelmadulla located 12 miles east of Ratnapura, the capital of Sabaragamuwa Province sought admission to Vidyabandu Pirivena (an Educational Institute of Oriental and Buddhist Studies) in Chilaw. He was born on 30 th May 1902 and at the time of his admission to the Institute he was 28 years old.

In the Faculty of Oriental Studies he learned Sinhalese, Pali and Sanskrit. He also studied Ayurveda and Astrology as optional subjects. At the final examination in Oriental studies (Pracheena) he wanted to specialize in Pali language and therefore he read the Tipitaka . Tipitaka ,the three Baskets'is the name for the three main divisions of the Pali Canon comprising the Basket of Discipline ( Vinaya Pitaka ) the Basket of Discourses ( Sutta Pitaka )and the Basket of Philosophy ( Abhidhamma Pitaka ) He read the entire Tipitaka several times and as he was a person with great power of retention he was quite conversant with the content of the Tipitaka . As the entire teaching of Buddha is included in Tipitaka ,Mr.Sumanaratna's study of Tipitaka can be considered a very fortunate event in the study of Buddhism.

At this time the prevailing conditions of the so called Buddhist Dispensation in the country and what appears in the Canon- Tiripitaka was found to be contradictory so he consulted his Rev. High Priests with a view to finding out the truth about it. He wanted a clarification to this difference in opinion. The explanation of the Rev. Priest was that what appears in the Tiripitaka cannot be put into practice today. The logical concept of Sumanaratne was that Buddha will never deliver a doctrine which is not practicable. He thought that , jati , the birth, jara old age, decay ,and marana the death, are still prevailing without any change and therefore the path Buddha disclosed for the cessation of jati, jara and marana cannot be impracticable to day. Unfortunately the answer he received from his Rev Priest was "It is good if you can put it into practice"

Sumanaratna observed the Five Precepts from his child hood and he was a pious person with a liking in the Buddhism and according to the religious concepts developed in him a situation was created for him to disagree with his Rev. Teachers. He thought again and again and came to the conclusion that Buddha will never preach a doctrine which is not practicable. Buddha will never use two words, therefore what Buddha has taught can be put into practice even today.

There are enough doctors to treat the patients who fall sick due to the disorders caused by vatha (wind) pitha (bile) sema (phlegm). He thought instead, of becoming a doctor and doing social service it is more useful to treat and cure the mental defilements kilesa caused by the temper of greed ( lobha ) hate ( dosa ) delusion ( moha ) and to create a liking for the attainment of Nibbana . It is useful in three fold status viz this world, next world and the Nibbana , which is the ultimate goal of all Buddhist aspirations. Extinction of greed, extinction of hate extinction of delusion is Nibbana and the attainment of the same paves the way for ultimate and absolute deliverance from all future rebirth, old age, disease and death from all suffering and misery.